The Capps Lecture in Christian Theology was an annual series that brought eminent Christian thinkers to the heart of the university with public lectures that explore the relationship between faith and responsibility. It is carried on now as the Scoper Lectures.
Our 2020 Capps Lecture was Dr. John M. Perkins
Long time friend of Theological Horizons and nationally revered civil rights activist from Jackson, MS, Dr. John M. Perkins was our Capps Lecture speaker on Feb 22, 2020 in the UVa Rotunda. His lecture, "Parting Thoughts on Race and Love" was sponsored by the Project on Lived Theology at UVa, the Department of Religious Studies, and Theological Horizons. Perkins was joined by Dr. Nathan Walton, a UVa PhD and Executive Director of Charlottesville's Abundant Life Ministries, who moderated the discussion.
The 2018 Capps Lecture
“Speaking God: The Death & Rebirth of Sacred Speech” with Jonathan Merritt
The 2017 Capps Lecture
"Christianity is Madness: Kierkegaard and the Academy" with Dr. Stanley Hauerwas
The 2016 Capps Lecture
"Has the dream become a nightmare? Prospects for reconciliation in the wake of the new racism." with Dr. John M. Perkins
The 2015 Capps Lecture
“Two themes that haunt me: Suffering and Grace” with Philip Yancey
The 2013 Capps Lecture
“Leaving Church? Generation Next and the Future of Faith” with Diana Butler Bass
The 2012 Capps Lecture
Lauren Winner, Duke University – “Writing About God”
The 2011 Capps Lecture
Emmanuel Katongole , Duke University – “Daring to Invent the Future of Africa: On Modernity, Politics and the Madness of Christian Faith”
The 2009 Capps Lecture
Albert J. Raboteau, Princeton University – “Holy Ordinary: Locating the Sacred in Literature and Life”
The 2008 Capps Lecture
Dr. Donald Shriver, Jr., Union Theological Seminary, New York – “Honest Patriots: Loving a Country Enough to Remember Its Misdeeds”
The 2007 Capps Lecture
Professor John de Gruchy, Stellenbosch University, South Africa – “Christian Identity amidst Global Contradictions” and “Christian Humanism against Fundamentalism & Secularism”
The 2005 Capps Lecture
Jürgen Moltmann, University of Tübingen, Germany – “In God We Trust, In God Us Trusts”
The 2003 Capps Lecture
Wolfgang Huber, Heidelberg University and Bishop of Berlin-Brandenburg (Evangelical Church of Germany) – “Truth, Guilt and Reconciliation: Christian Faith in a Violent World” and “Do We Need A New Morality? Christian Faith and Bioethics”
The 2001 Capps Lecture
Miroslav Volf, Yale University – “Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Justice”