Next Horizons Challenge
You are invited to be a part of this exciting inflection point
for Theological Horizons!

We invite you to commit to a Next Horizons Gift - a new 5 year pledge of unrestricted support to TH.
As we celebrate 25 years together and launch this campaign, we look ahead to the future with an inspired vision
for Theological Horizons' renewed prospering in the coming years!
Intrigued? Email us at

Give Online

It’s secure and simple. Your gift is immediately available for ministry.

Give through the UVA Fund

Love UVA? Love Theological Horizons? Give to both at the same time when you name “Theological Horizons” in any contribution you make to the UVA Fund!  All of your dollars will come over to Theological Horizons—and you’ll support a ministry that builds up the University community. 

You may also send a check to:
UVa Fund, PO Box 400314
Charlottesville, VA 22904

Write “#FAA288 Theological Horizons” in the memo line of your check.

Give by Check

Mail it to: 1841 University Circle Charlottesville VA 22903
When you give by check, we pay no credit card charges. More of your money goes to ministry.

Note: All checks must be postmarked and mailed on or prior to 12/31/24 to be credited in 2024

Give through ACH

Credit card donations come at a cost in the form of transaction fees, processing fees, and other hidden fees frequently added by financial institutions. These fees can equate to hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. Cut down on these fees by considering making a direct transfer through your bank account using an ACH transaction or Zelle!

To streamline the donation process and make it even more convenient for our valued donors like you, we are excited to introduce an ACH (Automated Clearing House) transaction option for contributions. ACH transactions provide a secure and efficient method for transferring funds directly from your bank account to ours, minimizing processing fees and ensuring that your entire donation goes towards supporting our programs and initiatives.

This process is quick and easy! Through an ACH transfer, whether you're a business or an individual, you can send money directly from your bank account to any individual or business bank account. All you need is the routing and bank account number of the organization where you wish to donate to send an ACH payment. After completing the initial authorization, the money is taken directly from your bank account. No need to worry about waiting for a check to be processed.

Contact if you wish to give in this way!

Give through Zelle

We accept payments with Zelle®. You can easily send us payments right from your banking app or the Zelle® app. Simply login to your mobile banking app, navigate to the Zelle option, and enter our email address:

Please note, we’re only able to receive payments from consumers enrolled with Zelle® using a linked domestic deposit account at a U.S. financial institution that offers Zelle®. We are unable to receive payments from consumers enrolled with the Zelle® app using a debit card.

Give shares of Stock, Securities & Appreciated Assets

Enjoy an immediate tax deduction & pay no capital gains tax.  It’s easy when you transfer stock electronically from your brokerage account to the Theological Horizons account:

Broker: Charles Schwab     Account Name:  Theological Horizons, Inc.

Questions?  Call Charles Schwab at (800) 435-4000 or email

Please notify Karen Marsh or by phone 434-466-1342 when you’ve made a gift of stock so we can look out for it and acknowledge your gift properly.  Your note is the only way we know who gifted the shares. We will send you a receipt acknowledging your gift, which is 100% tax deductible.  Thank you!

Give through NCF

With our new Single Charity Fund, opened through the National Christian Foundation, donors may give seamlessly & without an account. For donors who prefer to give through NCF, this is now our simplest conduit to give through!

Give by Donor Advised Funds

An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, a Donor Advised Fund is an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals. 

We have partnerships with the the Community Foundation of Texas, Fidelity, Wells Fargo and other Donor Advised Funds. We're always looking to expand our network. For more information, email

Give through Venmo

Give easily and securely through Venmo. Find us there: @Theological-Horizons.

Give In Kind Gifts

A comfortable chair, a reading lamp, a set of china.  Groceries for this week’s Vintage lunch for students.  These are the just a few items on our Bonhoeffer House ‘needed’ list. If you have a gift in kind to donate, contact us.  To submit for your tax deduction, please print and complete this In Kind Giving Form.

Give through your Will or Estate Plan

Making a planned gift to Theological Horizons is an impactful way to leave a lasting legacy, provisioning TH for continued flourishing.  Often this is done by way of a bequest in one’s will. Know that there are multiple types of planned gifts...and we are here to help! Together, we can discuss ways you might impact and inspire — through catalytic generosity! For more information, email

As an independent charity, Theological Horizons is completely funded by donors just like you: friends, alumni, students, parents, and giving partners who share our vision.  We depend upon your support and carefully steward your contributions. Thank you!

Theological Horizons is a 501(c)(3) not for profit ministry, tax exempt #581594037. Your contributions are tax deductible.

UVa students at the Bonhoeffer House