Readings from the Vintage Lunch Series
Join us as we look at the lives of “Vintage” Christians throughout the centuries, enter into their stories, read their words and seek to understand what they experienced. Discover how they encountered God in their doubts, joys, conflicts, questions, and pleasures. What elements of the Vintage Life are fruitful for us today?
The readings have been posted here in pdf form, so if you live too far away to join us at the Bonhoeffer House, you can still take part.
As always, please remember that these were created exclusively for Vintage and Theological Horizons members and are not for further publication. While we offer these resources free, please consider donating to support our continued work to provide theological reflection to all.
Wahoo Welcome Lunch (12-2pm) It’s a drop in social thing. Come one, come all!
Conversation 101: It Begins with Listening | Karen Marsh
Conversations with God: Amanda Berry Smith | Karen Marsh
Questions that Connect: Augustine | Karen Marsh
Telling Our Stories: PhotoVoice Experience | Mary-Dryden Maio
Speaking Up, Speaking Out: Sophie Scholl | Karen Marsh
Talking to Strangers: CS Lewis | Karen Marsh
Conversation in the Bible| Heather Warren (Listen Here)
Conflict & Conversation | Toby Jenkins (Listen Here)
Complicated Conversations in Hollywood | Jocelyn Diaz & Raed Gilliam
Conversations to Strengthen Trust: Aelred of Riveaulx | Karen Marsh
Art, Creativity & Conversation: Lilias Trotter | Karen Marsh
Towards Forgiveness | Nathan Walton
GAME DAY: We're Not Really Strangers
Welcome Back Lunch (12-2pm)
Karen: Everyday Spirituality: a toolbox of practices to try on | the reading
Dr. Jessica Young Brown on Mental Health & College
Karen: Aelred on Navigating Relationships | the reading
Karen: Carter G. Woodson & Olaudah Equiano on Telling Your Story | the reading
Karen: Ignatius of Loyola on Making Decisions (Jonathan Wood Personal Finance workshop 2-5pm) | the reading & Scriptures
Karen: Pandita Ramabai on Finding Your People | the reading
Karen: Patrick of Ireland on Loving Mercy | the reading
Karen: Bryan Stevenson on Acting Justly
Christy & Mary-Dryden: Dorothy Day on Restoring Your Soul | the reading
Jerry Maynard: Lament for Good Friday | the reading
Eddie Howard: The Soul of Restorative Justice | the reading
Kayla Allen & guests: Hearing God Together on Spiritual Direction | the reading
Christy: Play, Creativity & Trust: An experimental art workshop
BELONGING: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on the Wisdom of Community | the reading
Dave Zahl on his new book, Low Anthropology
Angel Parham on the Black Intellectual tradition
BEING: Wander Towards God: Margery Kempe| the reading
BELONGING: Friends Among Strangers:Thomas Merton | the reading
BEING: Listen to Your Life: Frederick Buechner | the reading
BELONGING: Leadership Lessons: Mabel Ping-hua Lee | the reading
BEING: Dearly Beloved: Julian of Norwich | the reading
BELONGING: Finding New Belonging: Pandita Ramabai | the reading | more to read
BEING: Practice the Pause: Howard Thurman | reading
BEING: Asking Advice: Francois Fenelon | reading
BELONGING: Grieving & Self Care with Mary-Dryden Maio ‘23
BELONGING: Lessons from Indigenous People with Brendan Jamieson | the reading
Festive Reading Day S’mores & Bonfires
Feb. 4: Amanda Berry Smith on Catching the Vision | the reading
Howard Thurman on Seeing the Beauty at Hand | the reading | the video
Everyday Mental Health with therapist Mary Brissett | the video
C.S. Lewis on Reluctant Conversion | the reading | the video
Mother Teresa on Transforming the World | the reading
Martin Luther & Katarina von Bora on Relationships | the reading
John Baillie on Sleep | the reading
Kate Bowler on Being Human | the reading
Guest speaker Dr. Chris Holstege, director of UVA Student Health
Good Friday poetry, Scripture and prayer | the reading
Francois Fenelon on Having Better Conversations | the reading
Spring Art Day: painting, prayer and poetry!
READING DAY PICNIC at the Bonhoeffer House, 1841 University Circle
The Wisdom of Questioning with Augustine | the reading
The Wisdom of Creatures with Francis of Assisi | the reading
The Wisdom of 20somethings with psychologist Dr. Meg Jay | WATCH THE VIDEO
The Wisdom of Individuality with Martin de Porres & Juana Ines de la Cruz | the reading
The Wisdom of Routine with Benedict & Scholastica | the reading
Fall Break Kickoff Lunch | No livestreaming / small group conversations
The Wisdom of Disruption with Sophie Scholl and Mabel Ping-hua Lee | the reading
The Wisdom of Imagination with Ignatius of Loyola | the reading Families welcome!
The Wisdom of Community with Dietrich Bonhoeffer | the reading
The Wisdom of Leadership with author Natasha Sistrunk Robinson & Naval CDR LaDonna Simpson
The Wisdom of Silence & Solitude with Thomas Merton | the reading
The Wisdom of Gratitude w small groups | the reading/activities & more readings
The Wisdom of the Body with Hildegard von Bingen & Josephine Bahkita | the reading
Reading Day Christmas Party @ the Bonhoeffer House
“Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” Isaiah 43:19
CVille Stories: William & Isabella Gibbons, Lottie Moon, Herbert & Dieta Jehle | listen to the story
Mary of Egypt: Freedom in the Desert (+ full text and a leader guide)
special guest Matt Weber, senior assistant to Pres. Jim Ryan | watch the video
John Wesley: Heart Strangely Warmed | watch the video
Good Friday: in Scripture and Poetry | watch the video
Juana Ines de la Cruz: Passion to Know | watch the video
Patrick of Ireland: Learn Courage (with a leader guide) and Patrick’s Story
Carter G. Woodson: Tell Your Story and excerpts from The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby | watch the video
Thomas Merton: Seeds of Identity | watch the video
W.E.B. DuBois: Honest, Frank & Fearless
“Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” Isaiah 43:19
CVille Stories: William & Isabella Gibbons, Lottie Moon, Herbert & Dieta Jehle | listen to the story
Mary of Egypt: Freedom in the Desert (+ full text and a leader guide)
special guest Matt Weber, senior assistant to Pres. Jim Ryan | watch the video
John Wesley: Heart Strangely Warmed | watch the video
Good Friday: in Scripture and Poetry | watch the video
Juana Ines de la Cruz: Passion to Know | watch the video
Patrick of Ireland: Learn Courage (with a leader guide) and Patrick’s Story
Carter G. Woodson: Tell Your Story and excerpts from The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby | watch the video
Thomas Merton: Seeds of Identity | watch the video
W.E.B. DuBois: Honest, Frank & Fearless
Prayer with Richard Twiss & Kaitlin Curtice
Finding Role Models with Therese of Lisieux & Dorothy Day
Seeing & Sacrifice with Lillias Trotter (pdf)
Survival Spirituality with Peter Hartwig
Community with Benedict, Scholastica & the Black Church (pdf)
Religion & Spirituality with Mary Paik Lee (pdf)
Moral Courage & Altruism with Clare & Francis of Assisi (pdf)
Facing Fear with Bonhoeffer (pdf)
Hope with Thurman, Calvin & Teresa of Avila (pdf)
Return from Distraction, Look to God, Receive a Blessing (pdf)
GOD & the good life
Learning in Wartime: C.S. Lewis with Prof. Terry Lindvall
Click to download the reading from Lewis, “Learning in Wartime”
Read Noah Toly’s article in Comment, “Vocation in a Time of Unprecedented Uncertainty: If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing now” and his followup piece, “Against Complacency (and a Few Subversive Recommendations).”
Learn more about our guest, author & professor Terry Lindvall
Will all, in fact, be well? Julian of Norwich
Click to download the reading from Julian of Norwich
On Race: Billy Graham with Dr. Bob Marsh
Click to download the reading from Billy Graham, Bob Marsh & John Perkins
Listen to the audio of the conversation on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/429291882
Theology for this Moment: Howard Thurman
Click to download the reading from Howard Thurman, Jesus & the Disinherited
Watch the entire documentary, “Backs Against the Wall: The Story of Howard Thurman”.
Listen the audio of this Virtual Vintage on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/427021001
Wonder Women: Pandita Ramabai & Amy Carmichael
Click to download the reading from Pandita Ramabai and Amy Carmichael
“Reading Amy Carmichael Today” by Katelyn Beaty
Listen to this Virtual Vintage conversation on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/424120240
Faith & Doubt: Flannery O’Connor
Click to download the reading from Flannery O’Connor
Read Karen Marsh’s essay in Christianity Today: "The Demanding Faith of Flannery O'Connor"
"The Passion of Flannery O'Connor: A prayer journal kept by the writer in her early 20s sheds new light on her biblical ironies." by James Parker in the Atlantic
"Flannery O'Connor Walks Among Us Still" by 14 artists in The Bitter Southerner
Listen to this Virtual Vintage here on soundcloud. Or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/422483629
Don’t Call Me a Saint: Dorothy Day with Amanda Daloisio
Click to download the reading from Dorothy Day
Click to Listen to this Virtual Vintage conversation on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/419016653
Choosing the Good Life? Augustine’s Conflicted Soul
Click to download the reading: from Augustine’s Confessions
Listen to Karen’s conversation about Augustine on The Commons podcast.
Click to Listen to this Virtual Vintage conversation on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/416428867
Letters Between Friends: with Francois Fenelon, 17th century Relationship Expert
Click to download the reading: Francois Fenelon: Letters to Friends
Click to Listen to this Virtual Vintage conversation on Soundcloud or watch the video here: https://vimeo.com/414918809
An Invitation to pay MORE attention to your Anxiety
with special guests Tim Jones, director, and Ellen Foster, therapist, of New City Counseling, Charlottesville. Watch the video here or get it on Vimeo. Get more resources & recommendations & listen to the conversation as a podcast right here on our blog.
Healthy Living in Challenging Times: Hildegard von Bingen
Watch the video of our gathering below or find it on Vimeo here!
Click here to download the reading: God and the Good Life: Hildegard von Bingen on Health
Where is God in our fear? Good Friday with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Watch the video of our gathering below or find it on Vimeo here!
Click to download 3 readings:
Bonhoeffer’s sermon, “God is With Us”
Where is God in disruption & disappointment? Words from Thomas Kelly
Did you miss it? Here’s the link to the video of Virtual Vintage
Click here to download the reading by Thomas Kelly.
God and the Good Life: Power
Special guest Locke Ogens & Karen Marsh had a conversation about Power! There was no handout for this week.
God and the Good Life: Picking Up Crumbs with Macrina Wiederkehr
now saved on facebook/theologicalhorizons and on Vimeo.
John Perkins with Christy Yates
Screening of the film 11AMFeb 8 Hildegard von Bingen with Karen Marsh
Martin Luther & Katharina von Bora with Karen Marsh
Francois Fenelon with Winn Collier (author & pastor)
Coretta Scott King with Maurice Wallace (English & African-American Studies)
John Chrysostom with Karen Marsh
Pandita Ramabai with Karen Marsh
"Get Out & Play!" Field Day with Lakisha Lockhart (Virginia Union University)
Marian Wright Edelman with Patrice Grimes (Office of African American Affairs & Curry School)
Heather Warren (Religious Studies)
Fleming Rutledge and Good Friday with Karen Wright Marsh
Oscar Romero with Tony Lin (Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture)
Intellectual - St. Anselm, C.S. Lewis and Juana Ines de la Cruz
Naturalist - Annie Dillard & St. Francis of Assisi
Enthusiast - John Wesley, Amanda Berry Smith & Teresa of Avila
vintage voices
Ignatius of Loyola and Accompanying Scriptures
Design Your Career! with Everette Fortner & Kelly Kennedy (no pdf)
Kierkegaard with Dr. Chris Yates
Ignatius of Loyola: Imagination
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Commitment
The Justice Calling authors, Kristen Deede Johnson and Bethany Hanke Hoang
Seven last Words of Christ with Horizons Fellow, Charlie Smith '16
Francis and Clare of Assisi: Exuberance
Dennis Doran speaks on "Finding Your Calling"
Todd Deatherage on "My journey into Peacemaking in the Middle East"
The marks of vintage christianity
Soren Kierkegaard: Wholeheartedness
Aelred of Rievaulx: Friendship
John Perkins: Reconciling Love
Special speaker Erin Bernhardt
God’s Will: What if You Get it Wrong?
My Calling: What if I Miss the Bus?
Here I Am: the Calling of Voices
Our Astonishing Freedom: Dallas Willard
My.Life.Story with Jim Avery, MD, CEO of Hospice of the Piedmont LISTEN
God’s Will and God’s Call: John Perkins
My.Life.Story with Evan Edwards, VP & CoFounder, Kaleo Pharma LISTEN
Come Alive and the video “Discerning God’s Call” with Jennifer Haworth
11 Steps for Making a Decision: Ignatian Method – Scriptures for 11 steps – Ignatius of Loyola & Francis de Sales on God’s Will
My.Life.Story with George Sanker, Headmaster, The Covenant School LISTEN
My.Life.Story with Detective Blaine Cosgro, Charlottesville Police Department
My.Life.Story with Evan Hansen, Agent Keller Williams Realty & past campus minister
My.Life.Story with Kate Harris, past director, Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture LISTEN
Learning God’s Love and “Love” by george herbert with commentary
Vulnerability and Compassion
Experiencing God’s Love in the Everyday
Forgiving ourselves and one another
Gratitude and Gratitude is good for you
Advent: Expecting God’s Love
What’s Your God Language? Connecting with God Through Your Unique Spiritual Temperament
Spiritual-Pathway-Assessment Take the quiz!
Week 3: The Naturalist / Loving God Outdoors
Week 4: The Activist: Loving God through confrontation; What If Jesus Meant All That Stuff?
Week 5: The Caregiver: Loving God by Loving Others
Silence & Solitude Mini Retreat
Week 6: the Ascetic: Loving God in Solitude & Simplicity
Week 7: the Traditionalist: Loving God Through Ritual & Symbol
Week 8: The Enthusiast: Loving God with Mystery & Celebration
Week 9: The Intellectual: loving God with your mind
Week 10: The Sensate: loving God through the Senses p1 The Sensate p2
Week 11: The Contemplative: Loving God through Adoration *Good Friday*
Week 12: Conclusion
Marks of Christian community
Invitation: Therese of Lisieux & the story of Bartimaeus
Rhythms of Prayer: Jerome, CS Lewis, Bonhoeffer, Dorothy Day & others
Rhythms of Prayer: John Baillie and “Sleep Therapy” by Lauren Winner
Community: Out in the World John Wesley, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Henri Nouwen
Gratitude is good for you, Gratitude: Nouwen, A Puritan Prayer of Thanks
vintage saints & sinners cont
Therese of Lisieux and Barbara Brown Taylor
Introduction to the Stations of the Cross and The Stations of the Cross for Good Friday
Vintage saints & Sinners
Brother Lawrence [Brain research shows that Brother Lawrence was right]
“What do I do with my life?” For university students, the question has real urgency.
Calling of Voices (Frederick Buechner)
11 Steps to Making a Decision (St Ignatius)
Scripture to accompany 11 Steps to Making a Decision
Discerning God’s Call (with video)
God’s Sovereignty vs. Your Freedom? (CS Lewis)
Stories of God’s Will in Scripture
For further reading on “Your Life/ God’s Will” consider
Leading Lives That Matter, editors Mark R. Schweinn and Dorothy C. Bass
The Will of God as a Way of Life, Jerry Sittser,
Let Your Life Speak, Parker Palmer
Hearing God, Dallas Willard
Two Vintage “regulars” reflect on what they'VE learned
“The topic of God’s will came at the right time in my life. There were so many decisions to be made this semester: what was my official major, where would I spending the summer, what would I be doing in the future.
Through Vintage I learned was that we are created to be individuals with passions that are unique to each of us. My favorite quote was by Frederick Buechner: “The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” In order to be in God’s will, I am free to embrace my own passions and use them to glorify the Lord.
My time at Vintage has helped me to place less pressure on my decisions. I’ve learned that finding God’s will is more of an attitude than a location. God’s will is bringing His kingdom to this earth. I find God’s will as I surrender to the Lord and desire to walk with Him throughout each day, regardless of where I live or what job I choose.”
–Marisa Mahoney
“I think I understand “God’s will” a lot more clearly—it’s actually a much easier thing to grasp than we make it out to be. First and foremost, God wants us to love Him and to love people. That is His greatest will. He desires that we obey Him and live wholly for His glory. We severely miss the sovereignty of God when we decide what we want to pursue without seeking His guidance–whether it’s a decision of major in school, a relationship decision, or a career decision;. He delights in working in us and that should be comforting enough to make decisions easy.
We worry about making a “bad decision”. We put God in a box when we say, “I can only do God’s will if I make the right decision,” thinking that God can only work in some situations. Fortunately, He gave us freedom through Christ so that we could have “mess ups”. The cool thing is, “bad decisions” in our eyes are opportunities in God’s eyes.
It’s great knowing we don’t have to subscribe to any set of laws or rules in order to find God’s will for our lives. We need only have faith that He has glorious things planned out for us and live in faith not fear that those things will be life-giving to us.”
- Anonymous