Formation into Christlikeness: Reflections from Data and Dialogue
admiring the fall view of campus and the city atop UChicago’s landmark Rockefeller Chapel.
As this year’s Leadership Associate, I enjoyed representing Theological Horizons at a recent conference on character, moral, and virtue formation amongst college students. This conference presented the findings from a study that surveyed students from Theological Horizons, other Christian Study Centers, Institutes for Catholic Thought, and Christian colleges/universities on their religious beliefs and practices alongside their development and display of virtues. I participated in the study at Wheaton College, my alma mater, and treasured the opportunity to discover what its robust data yielded about how these institutions form students in their faith, thought, and life.
The presenters skillfully balanced theoretical foundations with practical applications. On the theoretical side, they opened my eyes and mind to the rich world of virtue ethics. Overall, this term refers to the concept that ethics-how we rightly act-flow from the formation of virtues-positive traits that guide our spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical lives. On the practical side, this conference centered around how to practice and promote virtue formation for students. The presenters emphasized the critical influence of habits in our formation, which illuminated how these high-level intellectual ideas often distill down into simple, everyday realities. This realization energizes me in relation to the accessibility of intellectual concepts like virtue ethics for people of all backgrounds and experiences.
As the data attested to the value of simple practices in forming profound virtues, I immediately thought of its relevance for Theological Horizons. At Vintage Lunch and with our Fellows, we promote rigorous intellectual discussion while inviting students into simple practices that provide a break from the intellectual rigor of UVA student life. Similarly, for our broader community in various life stages and roles, some of which rigorously challenge them intellectually and others that consist of more mundane, earthy tasks like caregiving, seemingly simple practices like silent prayer or taking a walk carry the potential to build a vibrant life of virtue.
Beyond the general patterns of formation, the presenters celebrated that none of the virtues decreased and a number significantly increased over the study’s 2 years. Students displayed growth in patience, courage, expressed teachability, and intellectual humility. On the other hand, analysis of students’ religious practices revealed a more complex picture. While students’ practices of individual devotion decreased, their practices of communal devotion increased. More granular analysis bore out the vital role of community in developing virtue, as students involved in spiritually formative spaces with others, such as Fellows programs, demonstrated higher virtue development than those involved primarily in individual activities.
As I consider how this data on the essential role of community possibly informs Theological Horizons, it affirms the significance of inviting students at Vintage Lunch to share in spiritual practices and spurs me to gratitude for the gift of returning week after week to embrace these longstanding disciplines with them. As I heard statistics highlighting how experiences like learning theological frameworks for applying faith in all of life and participating in Fellows programs positively shape students, I grew in appreciation for Theological Horizons as a ministry that offers these exact kind of experiences, with Christy’s excellent leadership of Horizons and Perkins Fellows top of mind. As someone in this space only for a year, serving students who spend at most 4 years embedded in our regular rhythms, it encourages me deeply to discover concrete evidence that formative spaces like this community guide people even after they leave.
Amidst many prominent stories of devastating moral failure in religious institutions, this study’s findings and my vibrant conversations at the conference with others serving students and communities across the country instills hope for a more faithful future witness in our world. For example, Dr. Jonathan Brant shared about how he started a virtues-based leadership development program, inspired by the Christian tradition but not explicitly faith-based, at Oxford University. He reported overwhelming interest in the program and explained that meaningful conversations about his faith often ensued because of the program’s hospitable approach. By offering some of the rich resources of our tradition without pressuring people to convert, many people actually ended up seeking to delve deeper into the Christian faith. This testimony profoundly resonates with me, as it brings to mind Theological Horizons’ motto “All are welcome. Always.” People desire to learn more about Christ when we who know Him model the character to which He calls us, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Whether students, parents, professionals, and/or friends in any vocation, let us join together in the ordinary, everyday habits that form us into people who reflect and embody the way of Christ in word and deed!
Joy at the Kindness Cafe | Kaya Lynch ‘25
Going into this year of being a Perkins Fellow, I was unsure about what that would look like for me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to attend CCDA in person, and there was a time conflict with my volunteering for Abundant Life. During Perkins Plunge, I met Katie Kishore, and learned about Kindness Cafe. Her story and vision for a place of employment for adults with disabilities struck a chord within me, and that has been where I have chosen to volunteer.
Over the summer, I was able to work with kids with disabilities, but I had never truly interacted with adults who had disabilities before. Frankly, I was a little nervous. What if I wasn’t able to understand them? How much of a role was I to take on in this space? After volunteering there for a couple of weeks, I realized that the main problem with the questions I was asking was that they were focused on myself, and my own capabilities. Yet, the people I worked with were perfectly capable of simple and complex tasks, and found a joy in it that the Bible demands. Suddenly, I was confronted with my own ego and my own unwilling attitude towards work. In Genesis, the Lord rests and finds satisfaction in the work He has done, and gifts Adam and Eve with the blessing of stewarding the garden of Eden for themselves.
Ecclesiastes 2:24 says that “There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God.” Kindness has reminded me that we are called to work, and to find joy in our work. The employees at Kindness are so willing and joyful to show up to work each day, and every order is a chance to do their best. I have been convicted of my own failure to view work as the blessing that it is, and how I can honor God in the minute tasks of work.
Throughout my time volunteering at Kindness, I have learned to work alongside, not over, the employees. I have learned when to step in, and when to step back. In the midst of this, we have had some wonderful conversations! The beauty of God’s kingdom is that we all work together, teach each other, and share in the ups and downs of life together. Before Kindness, I had not had friendships with adults with disabilities. Now, I can safely say that the richness and fullness of relationship with these brothers and sisters in Christ has transformed my view of the Kingdom, and my own career path. I would encourage everyone to take a step back and walk alongside people who you are not used to. It is only then that I believe that we will understand what it means to love as Jesus did.
February Prayers | The Gift of Questions
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
-Matthew 7:7-8 NLT
Dear Friends,
Uncertainty lies underneath so much of our lives, whether it’s environmental or political unknowns, personal health, relationship or vocational questions, or simply the great existential ones: What is my purpose? Are you even real, God? At our first gathering of the semester, we offered time for students to explore the uncertainty in their own spirits and to anonymously write down the big burning question that uncertainty surfaced.
This month, take some time to acknowledge the uncertainty in your own life, and the questions that sear in your soul. Then, and maybe even more importantly, ask for someone close to you to do the same, hear their questions and let them find space in you. Finally, bring all of these questions to the Father.
Just when you seem to yourself
nothing but a flimsy web
of questions, you are given
the questions of others to hold
in the emptiness of your hands,
songbird eggs that can still hatch
if you keep them warm,
butterflies opening and closing themselves
in your cupped palms, trusting you not to injure
their scintillant fur, their dust.
You are given the questions of others
as if they were answers
to all you ask. Yes, perhaps
this gift is your answer.
By Denise Levertov
Faith & Work Lunch with Betty Li Simpson ‘15 and Megnot Abebe ‘25
In November, we welcomed TH alumna and current board member Betty Li Simpson ‘15 to share about her vocational journey at our second Faith & Work Lunch of the year. As 4th year Perkins Fellow Megnot Abebe guided the conversation, Betty described her vocational discernment as significantly shaped by God speaking through experiences and others. Throughout the blog, click on the links to hear some highlights from this rich discussion.
Betty began by reflecting on her understanding of the term “vocation.” She discussed how her background growing up in a Chinese immigrant community and church instilled a particular view of professional success as consisting primarily of stable professions like law and medicine. At UVA, she developed a broader concept of vocation through the input of faithful people, such as her Horizons Fellows mentor Helen Jamison (who attended the lunch!). Beyond merely work for pay, she grew to view vocation as the myriad of ways that individuals contribute to their communities. Recently, she spoke of how becoming a mother enriched and expanded her vocation.
While she currently works as a researcher at an educational nonprofit, her path to this position included some unexpected turns, throughout all of which she attested to the Lord’s faithful leading. As an undergraduate, Betty majored in biology and planned to pursue a career in medicine. When she encountered some unexpected obstacles, she identified and explored her developing interest in education. Classes in the education school revealed a fit for her strengths and values in this field, which led her to pursue her Master’s in education. Betty’s story of God’s steady hand in her non-linear vocational path offered an assuring example for students anxious about the pressures of finding the “perfect” job immediately. As she job searched after her Master’s, she described the uncertainty about her career direction as someone in the education field who knew that her strengths and circumstances aligned with a position outside classroom teaching. Through applying widely, she found a position in educational research and discovered that she loved it. She still works and thrives there today! When the Lord led her to educational research, she discovered a field that she never even knew existed. As she recounted this pivotal moment, she emphasized that God speaks through circumstances and encouraged people to consider what experiences in their lives potentially point to a vocational calling.
In a culture that often elevates the monumental over the mundane, such as the emphasis in many Christian circles on stories of God’s calling to overseas missions and/or public ministry, Betty challenged the group to also open their hearts and minds to God’s leading in the less newsworthy moments. Referencing Brother Lawrence, a figure she learned about at Vintage, she described ordinary moments in which she sensed God’s presence and worked with purpose in order to encourage people to not discount any task or situation as an opportunity to glorify God.
In the Q & A session, she thoughtfully offered advice to the students and community members in attendance. Reflecting on her current role, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to engage in work that directly serves others and aligns with her values. In response to a student’s question about a sense of tension between anticipated work in the for-profit sector and her service-oriented values, Betty encouraged students to tune into their values as a framework for considering a job, company, or organization. However, she also affirmed the importance of even work that sometimes seems less directly connected to those values. In such roles, she encouraged people to seek the opportunities to love others in the workplace and to generously steward and invest their earnings in their communities. We cherished the honor of hearing Betty’s story and continue to ponder the insights she offered.
Remembering Bob Marsh
A longtime champion of Theological Horizons, Rev. Dr. C. Robert Marsh believed passionately in the ministry’s “unique contribution to the moral and intellectual debates of our time.”
We celebrate his life and legacy with much gratitude.
The Rev. Dr. Charles Robert Marsh, a Southern Baptist minister who served as senior pastor at Atlanta’s Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church from 1978 to 1993, died on December 23 while in hospice care at Lenbrook in Atlanta, Georgia. Marsh, a passionate teacher of the Bible, and a local religious leader in the desegregation of public schools in the South, was 92-years old.
Marsh began his pastoral career with a chronic stutter and fear of public speaking, but through fierce self-discipline became an eloquent and beloved preacher in an older, gentler evangelical culture. That self-discipline included long jogs through the streets of the southern towns he served with the typed manuscript of the sermon in his hand. Mile after mile, in his mismatched jersey and sweatpants, he read the text aloud until he had memorized each line and was ready to take the pulpit on Sunday mornings, where he would deliver the forty-five-minute message by heart with only his red leather King James Bible in hand.
“You and I are able to gather here in this beautiful sanctuary today only because the early church reckoned with the revolutionary ramifications of God’s amazing grace and tore down the barriers of prejudice,” Marsh said in one influential sermon on the theological necessity of ending an Alabama church’s whites-only, closed-door policy.
That sermon was the culmination of a month-long study series on the Bible and racial reconciliation, focusing on Paul’s theme of Christ the reconciler, that Marsh had convened after some white congregants objected when a Black family asked to join the 3,500-member First Baptist Church of Dothan, Alabama. The weekly studies, attended regularly by 150-200 church members, concluded with the sermon, “Amazing Grace for Every Race,” and, in turn, with the congregation’s acceptance of a Black family from Queens, New York, and a standing ovation.
“As Gentiles,” Marsh told the congregation, “You and I would never have become a member of the New Testament church, unless God, through the Holy Spirit, sent Philip to a Black man, sent Ananias to a Middle Eastern man, sent Peter to the man from Western Europe; and sent amazing grace to every race.”
The sermon marks one of many small acts of individual conscience that brought southern segregation in its extralegal forms to an end.
Charles Robert Marsh was born on July 17, 1932, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the first child of Howard and Elisabeth Marsh. When his father completed his optometry apprenticeship in the Crescent City, the family moved to Jackson, Mississippi, where Howard established a successful practice with locations downtown on Capitol Street and another on North State Street. His mother was a high-spirited woman who loved bridge and crime novels and held various positions in the Optimist Club of Jackson.
Marsh was raised in a nominally religious family that occasionally attended the Capital Street Methodist Church, but that preferred to spend Sundays fishing at the reservoir.
As a senior at Central High School, Marsh made a public profession of his faith in Jesus Christ in one of Billy Graham’s services in his 1952 crusade at the Jackson Fairgrounds. Following his born-again experience, Marsh became active in Youth for Christ ministries. On the encouragement of the group leader, matriculated as a freshman at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, the flagship school of southern fundamentalism, where it was joked, “a girl could be expelled for streaking with a hole in the knee of her bathing suit.” After receiving enough demerits to be permanently “campused” for a month – mostly for missing curfew or flunking room inspection – Marsh transferred to Baylor University where he double-majored in Bible and history.
In 1954, Marsh met the love of his life, Myra Brooks Toler, a native Jacksonian and former Miss Central High School. Bob and Myra were married in June 1955 at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, by which time Bob had been ordained as a Souther Baptist minister.
His first pastorate was at the First Baptist Church of Florence, Mississippi, just south of Jackson, which enabled Myra to continue her studies in theology and English literature at Belhaven College. On the Sunday after their honeymoon to Fort Walton Beach, Florida, the newly minted Reverend Marsh baptized his newlywed in full immersion, according to the requirements of Baptist polity.
While serving full-time as the pastor of the Spring Hill Avenue Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, 1958 -1963, and the First Baptist Church of Andalusia, Alabama, 1963-1967, Marsh continued his graduate studies in practical theology and completed his doctoral dissertation at New Orleans Baptist Seminary on “Paul’s Concept of the Person and Its Implications for Christian Education” – traveling by train on the old L&N every Tuesday from Evergreen to New Orleans and back again to Alabama late Thursday night. He graduated with a Doctorate in Education in the spring 1967.
The same year, Marsh returned to Mississippi, accepting the call of pastor of the First Baptist Church of Laurel, which occupied a multi-acre lot between a vibrant downtown and a neighborhood of stately homes. Home to the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi, Laurel was also a town caught in the whirlwind of the civil rights movement.
With support of several white parishioners, including Charles Pickering, who would later be named by President George H. W. Bush as a federal judge to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, Marsh supported the integration of public schools, refusing to join a small group of white families that formed a private “Christian” academy. Marsh’s views on Christian responsibility in society were inspired by numerous experiences: observing one of his seminary professors in New Orleans in a segregated streetcar condemn the absurdity of the whole ordeal; and visiting L’Abri, Edith and Francis Schaeffer’s Christian commune in Huemoz, Switzerland. Marsh would say that his greatest inspiration was the example of Billy Graham, who, during his 1952 Jackson Crusade, had removed the red segregation rope that separated black and white worshippers and said: “It touches my heart when I see whites stand shoulder to shoulder with blacks at the foot of the cross.”
These years and experiences would form the narrative arc of his pastoral vision: to show how the power of the Gospel should burn through the barriers of nationality, region, and race, and how people become “ambassadors of reconciliation.”
On July 23, 1978, the search committee of Atlanta’s Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, chaired by Lee Burge, then the CEO of Equifax, presented their recommendation to the congregation to call Robert Marsh as the fourth pastor of the esteemed congregation on Peachtree Road. A week later, the committee introduced their new minister as Dr. C. Robert Marsh, a name he had never before used, though church members from earlier days continued to call him “Brother Bob.”
Marsh’s tenure in the influential pulpit assured him of keynote addresses at denominational events and membership on high-level boards and denominational agencies, as well as an honorary doctorate from Mercer University. In May 1980, he and author Madeleine L’Engle shared the stage at commencement ceremonies at Gordon College, in Wenham, Massachusetts. But nothing fulfilled Marsh more deeply than preaching and teaching to his congregation and going about the ordinary tasks of parish life.
Marsh’s fifteen years at “Second Ponce” were marked by success and growth amid the challenges of pastoring a prosperous southern church in a developing global city. Under Marsh’s leadership, “Second Ponce” become the denomination’s most reliable supporter of missionary activity at home and abroad, consistently leading the Georgia Baptist Convention in gifts to the Cooperative Program. “Missions was Marsh’s ‘first love,’ and an increased emphasis on missions was a natural extension of the historic focus of the identity of the church,” the historian Douglas Weaver wrote in his congregational history of the Atlanta church. Such largesse was possible because the church, during the Marsh years, reached historic levels of general budget giving – hitting the two-million-dollar mark in 1982 and three million in 1987, with an additional two million dollars raised for the proposed six and a half million-dollar Family Life Center, which was completed in 1990.
Marsh maintained a low political profile during the cataclysmic years of the Southern Baptist culture wars.
He sought to illumine a third way beyond doctrinaire fundamentalism and “moderate” denominational alternatives. The third way was not always clearly delineated, and some of his non-fundamentalist colleagues wished that he would use his influence to defend the moderate camp. At the same time, he rejected the rigid doctrine of biblical inerrancy and affirmed instead the more generous doctrine of Biblical infallibility. He supported Second Ponce’s successful move to ordain women deacons, with nine women elected in 1992. He poured resources into the church’s languishing “inner city” ministries and helped reboot the church’s Vietnamese Ministry, hiring a full time pastor for the Vietnamese-speaking congregation, sponsoring ESL and job-coaching programs, and creating networks of hospitality and support for the influx of refugees arriving in Atlanta through the U.S. Political Prisoners Relocation Program. He provided office space in Second Ponce’s educational wing for Baptist scholars who had been pushed out of their teaching posts by the new fundamentalist leaders. He remained loyal to the historic Baptist separation between church and state; he did not speak publicly on abortion, school prayer, or sexual orientation. His criticisms of the U. S. preemptive invasion of Iraq were based not on liberal political views but on his sense of loyalty to the missionaries and Christian communities in the Middle East. Indeed, in Marsh’s view, loyalty to the global Body of Christ remained the only antidote against Christian nationalism.
Four decades of ministry in a changing South took their toll. “Pastoral burn-out,” sheer exhaustion, and its attendant emotional upheavals led Marsh to resign from SPDL, to the surprise of many, in March 1993. Without the consolations of the pulpit, Marsh struggled to imagine a future beyond Second Ponce.
Eventually, Marsh’s resignation would lead to the most fulfilling chapter in his seven-decade ministry.
Beginning in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1994, Bob and Myra became true co-pastors, bringing their distinctive gifts of empathy and encouragement to Christian congregations in Copenhagen, Rome, Berlin, and Stavanger, Norway, where they served in different capacities as interim ministers. They spoke at the annual European Baptist convention in Interlaken, Switzerland, in dozens of smaller gatherings in western and eastern Europe – including Macedonia and Ukraine – and visited with believers beyond Europe in Dubai, India, Liberia, South Africa, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, and Argentina. They developed friendships with Wycliffe Translators, Pioneer Missions, World Vision, and the European Baptist Convention. In the final ten years of his overseas ministry, Marsh entered into a generative partnership with Barnabas International that enabled financial support and oversight and opened new doors of Christian fellowship.
Letters and emails to friends and supporters back in the States conveyed the joys and discoveries of international Christian fellowship:
“Yesterday, I spent the entire afternoon at the Vienna Christian Center, speaking to a large group of women from across the city, mostly African immigrants. There was much praise, music, joy, and laughter (3 hours to be exact), as I taught from Psalm 73. Everyday has been filled with building bridges of friendship, being with people, and striving to share the love of Christ with precious people in this strategic city,” wrote Marsh sometime in the mid-90’s.
Marsh’s final chapter in ministry returned him to his first love of teaching the Bible in a local church in the South. Until shortly after his 90th birthday, he served as one of four teachers in an adult Sunday School Class of 100 – 150 members and wrote short theological essays in his “Bob’s Blog” for the Anchor website:
Marsh is survived by his wife of 69 years, Myra Brooks, née Toler; brother Richard Scott Marsh of Florence, Mississippi; son Charles Robert Marsh, Jr., and daughter-in-law Karen Wright Marsh of Charlottesville, Virginia; and three grandchildren, Henry Brooks Marsh of Brooklyn, New York; William Toler Marsh of New Orleans, Louisiana; and Nan Elisabeth Marsh of Richmond, Virginia.
His son Charles, who holds the Commonwealth Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia, wrote in a 1999 memoir about his father as a Baptist preacher at the dawn of a new South:
“My father’s way was never to break the bonds of friendship. He remained loyal to his church, to those he was called to serve, whether he liked the person or not. He built trust with people over meat-and-twos, football games, ice cream socials, and youth camps – in the ordinariness of the New Humanity.”
A celebration of Marsh’s life will be held at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, January 13, at 2:00. In lieu of flowers, the family kindly requests that gifts be made to the C. Robert Marsh Pavilion Fund of Theological Horizons, at Donations may also be given through the University of Virginia, designated to Theological Horizons and made in Dr. Marsh’s memory using this same link.
Charles Marsh
January 6, 2025
Feast of the Epiphany
Before the Rush resources
Sorority rush begins at UVA--a process that sparks many urgent questions: Who are my friends? Where do I find my identity? Am I beautiful? How do I deal with stress and disappointment? with judgement? Where is God in all of this? These are questions that we all ask throughout our lives!
As students return to the university, we want share two precious resources: short audio talks that are just one click away. Listen to these talks from our past "Beat The Rush" events.
These talks for ALL women students--whether you are rushing a sorority, in a sorority already, not in a sorority! Like me, you are seeking love, acceptance, friendship...and struggling with insecurity, fear and doubts. It is so important to be reminded of how very beautiful and loved you are. So do yourself a favor and listen up...
The first talk is by Susan Cunningham on "Finding Your True Identity". Susan was named Best Psychologist in Charlottesville, and her words are so wise and so kind...Don't miss the truth about who YOU really are. Click HERE to listen to Susan's talk.
The second talk is by Miska Collier on "Knowing the Light and Love of God". Miska is a spiritual counselor--30 seconds into her talk you'll be hooked. Click HERE to listen to Miska's talk.
Karen Wright Marsh, Executive Director
Fall 2024 Highlight Reel!
Please enjoy this video celebrating a semester savoring the presence of God, seeking wisdom from the communion of saints, and sharing fellowship in our vibrant community. Hear students’ stories about TH’s enriching role in their lives, peek into the Bonhoeffer House during our beloved Vintage Lunches, and glimpse the fellowship at events with our board and broader community.
As we reflect on the semester, we thank God for His sustaining grace, steady guidance, and abundant blessings this fall at our gatherings in Charlottesville, across the country at Saints of the City and speaking engagements, and through cherished digital connections with friends around the world.
Filled with gratitude, we wish our whole TH family a truly joyous new year relishing the thrill of hope that Jesus infuses into the world year-round through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in the life of His people. We eagerly await His continued guidance, provision, and inspiration in our life together in 2025, as we celebrate 25 years at the University of Virginia and look to the future with gladness.
On Peacemaking | Grace Jackson ‘25
Last semester the Perkins Fellows read a book together called Dear White Peacemakers by Osheta Moore. One of the best parts of being a Perkins Fellow at UVA for multiple years is getting to read and reread some really wonderful books. In my second time reading Osheta’s book, her posture towards her white counterparts in justice work really stood out to me. My good friend and fellow Perkins Fellow, Megnot Abebe, challenged me to write my own letter to White Peacemakers. This was not a challenge I wanted to receive, but writing it was important work for my soul. As a White person myself, I often struggle to see myself as a Peacemaker or Beloved. Osheta encourages me (and hopefully you too!) to see the belovedness in every individual: my friends, my family, myself, and strangers alike. My words in this letter are honest and raw. I hope I can encourage you to be honest as well. More importantly, I hope to affirm your Belovedness.
Dear White Peacemaker,
I’m sorry for all the ways I judge you and look down on you. For assuming the worst in you. I’m sorry.
To the White lady in the kufiya screaming at the police, blocks away from where Prime Minister Netanyahu was speaking to congress: I’m sorry I turned to my liberal White friend beside me, raising my eyebrows and smirking. You scare me a little because I see myself in you. In 40 years I could be the White liberal spewing words just as hateful as what I am protesting against. I don’t want to be so tone deaf.
To my White friends who refer to any kind of service as “giving back”: I’m sorry I cringe when you say things like this. It’s just that we’re not “giving back” like this is some kind of transaction. And if it were, our ancestors have spent centuries stealing land and brutalizing bodies, minds, and souls, so we’d have to get a lot more serious if we wanted to start “giving back” what we have taken (which I am all for, but that’s a conversation for another time). I don’t want to be scared about how each of my words could be twisted, trying to be politically correct like you. I’m sorry I’m twisting your words right now and not listening to the compassion that you are trying to express.
To my White friends who study cultures, languages, races, and traditions from which you do not come, but spend every waking moment with your White friends, White families, White coworkers, and White boyfriends: I don’t understand. I don’t understand how you say you care about the same things I do, but commit to such a homogenous community. I am sorry for judging you based on who you spend time with; I should not judge a person’s commitment to justice (At all! Full stop.) … by the perceived Whiteness and richness of their circles.
To my White friends who don’t engage at all: I won’t lie, I understand you the least. But I know your apathy doesn’t come from a lack of goodness, mercy, love, and justice. Even if that last word scares you, I know it’s because you’re scared to say the wrong thing or cause more division. I’m sorry that I am angry and impatient with you.
White Peacemaker, I lay before you my honest confessions because, honestly, I have been you and I am still you. I have fit into each of these above categories before, and I’m sure I will continue to land in each one as I stumble along this path we call life. I easily become the raging White liberal, but I am also inclined to letting apathy or fear immobilize me. In each of us, there are strengths to celebrate and weaknesses we can hold each other accountable for.
In my journey to resist White supremacy culture, be in relationship with people across all lines of difference, and reject a lifestyle of homogeneity and complacency, I can so easily reject you, White Peacemaker. And, in a way, reject myself too. I’m sorry. And I want to grow beyond this false binary I put myself in.
White Peacemaker, it is hard for me to write this letter because I see myself in each of you. I see each of my own flaws magnified, so I lash out with sharp words against you and me both. I don’t want to end here, in frustration, as I too often do. In the spirit of Osheta Moore, I want to end by affirming your (our) Belovedness, and thanking you for being you.
To the furious friends: I see you. I’m sorry you are filled with such rage. Thank you for taking your anger to the streets.
To the “giving back” friends: I see you. I’m sorry nobody has taught you that your pursuit of justice is not about what you can accomplish but that our flourishing is collective and deeply intertwined with all of humanity, rooted in our universal Belovedness as children of God. Thank you for your hard work.
To the studious friends: I see you. I’m sorry for judging you. Thank you for allowing your mind and degree and career to be shaped by what is true and right and just.
To the quiet friends: I am trying to see you. I’m sorry for giving up trying to talk to you about the deeper things of life. Thank you for your sensitive heart.
White Peacemaker, I believe there is more in you. I say this because time and time again, Peacemakers of all races have seen my brokenness, affirmed my Belovedness, and have called me to higher. In my own expressions of rage, ignorance, fear, and apathy, I have been seen, fully. I have been forgiven, somehow. I have been thanked for the good despite it all. And I have been invited into this kingdom work. White Peacemaker, will you join me in building? There is room for the loud dismantlers, careful carpenters, and timid painters alike. And I’ll tell you a secret: you don’t have to be perfect to pick up a hammer.
With love,
Grace Jackson
A fellow White Peacemaker
Fionette King ‘26 | Reflections on Hope
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 15:13
The Bible reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. In this world that we face, through pain and struggle, the most important thing for us to remember is the hope we have in Jesus for a brighter tomorrow. As life throws challenges at us that test our faith and resilience, let us rest in the knowledge that we are more thanconquerors, and that Jesus is our living hope.
Prior to becoming a Perkins Fellow, I did not yet grasp how deeply I would come to care about fostering change and building healthier, more just communities. Over time, my journey has opened my eyes to the incredible work being done, both on grand scales and in small, often unseen ways. Every day, I am struck by the resilience and creativity of people working tirelessly to plant seeds of transformation. Yet, as I reflect on this, I am convinced that such efforts are rooted in something far greater: the hope that God places within us, coupled with our willingness to act on that hope. Without this divine gift, our capacity to envision and work toward a better future would falter.
It is easy to become discouraged when we see all of the pain and strife that takes place around the world. The weight of injustice can lead us to despair, threatening to extinguish our drive to pursue a more compassionate society. In all this, scripture always reassures us. Isaiah 40:31 states, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” As fallen humans, hope is not something we can retain in our own power. Naturally, we are prone to discouragement and our hope burns out quickly. It is only in God’s power that we remain able to work towards healthier communities in bold faith and divine courage.
Hope is a muscle that we train through fervent prayer and resilient action. It is a contagious spirit that flows from us as we continue to work and learn together. Let us be encouraged by the work being done, but never grow complacent. God has emboldened us to be changemakers and shine His light by loving on the communities around us.
New Years Day | A Blessing
Greetings and gratitude on this New Year’s Day!
As we enter into this new year, we do so with gratitude for so many provisions. But, we also come with uncertainty and losses carried with us. May this Scripture and Blessing offer you strength and courage as you begin again.
“He will keep your feet on solid ground and guide you to the end of the trail so that you will have a good reputation when the day comes for our Honored Chief Creator Sets Free (Jesus) the Chosen One to be revealed”
A Blessing for a New Year
On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.
And when your eyes
Freeze behind
The grey window
And the ghost of loss
Gets in to you,
May a flock of colours,
Indigo, red, green,
And azure blue,
Come to awaken in you
A meadow of delight.
When the canvas frays
In the currach of thought
And a stain of ocean
Blackens beneath you,
May there come across the waters
A path of yellow moonlight
To bring you safely home.
May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.
-John O’Donohue
With thankful hearts,
From all of us at Theological Horizons
The Benefits of Generosity
As we enter into a season of giving, we at TH loved learning about the benefits of our impulse to be generous.
After decades of research that assumed human nature to be intrinsically selfish and aggressive, recent years have seen the emergence of a more complex and nuanced understanding of the science of generosity. While studies suggest that humans have a propensity for self-interest, research has also revealed that currents of generosity run deep within us.
Learn about some of the important results that researchers have learned about the benefits of generosity in this infographic.*
Christmas Eve | Advent with Bonhoeffer
“...In Jesus you are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy…” (1 Peter 1:8)
Christmas Joy
Joy to the world!
For the sake of humankind, Jesus Christ became a human being in a stable in Bethlehem:
Rejoice, O Christendom!...
For all of us, Jesus Christ was resurrected to life:
Rejoice, O Christendom!...
All over the world today people are asking:
Where is the path to joy?
The church of Christ answers loudly:
Jesus is our joy!
Joy to the world!
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer
May you and yours be filled with the inexpressible and glorious joy of Jesus Christ this Christmas!
4th Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer
“And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
On December 21, 1930, the 24 year old pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer preached to a German-speaking church in Havana, Cuba. Nearly 100 years later, his words speak to our hearts:
“Mighty God” is the name of this child, the child in the manger who is none other than God himself. Nothing greater can be said: God became a child. In the Jesus child of Mary lives the almighty God.
Wait a minute! Don’t speak; stop thinking! Stand still before this statement! God became a child! Here Jesus is: poor like us, miserable and helpless like us, a person of flesh and blood like us, our brother. And yet he is God; he is might.
Now it is true that in three days, Christmas will come once again. The great transformation will once again happen. God would have it so. Out of the waiting, hoping, longing world, a world will come in which the promise is given. All crying will be stilled. No tears will flow. No lonely sorrow shall afflict us or threaten us anymore…
Can you heed Bonhoeffer’s command to “wait a minute! Don’t speak; stop thinking”?
Take 3 uninterrupted minutes (or more!) to meditate upon this: God became a child! Here Jesus is: poor like us, miserable and helpless like us, a person of flesh and blood like us, our brother. And yet Jesus is God; he is might.
In three days the “great transformation” will happen again. What images or emotions come up as you read Bonhoeffer’s description of the coming world in which the promise is given?
How might these reflections shift your experience of the days to come?
3rd Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer
“Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28
In a 1933 Advent sermon, Dietrich Bonhoeffer vividly describes a mine disaster that was currently in the news. Can you imagine yourself inside this story?
The moment even the most courageous miner has dreaded his whole life is here. It’s no use running into walls; the silence all around him remains…The way out for him is blocked. He knows the people up there are working feverishly to reach the miners who are buried alive….An agonizing period of waiting and dying is all that remains.
But suddenly a noise that sounds like tapping and breaking in the rock can be heard. Unexpectedly, voices cry out, “Where are you? Help is on the way!” Then the disheartened miner picks himself up, his heart leaps, he shouts, “Here I am, come on through and help me! I’ll hold out until you come! Just come soon!” A final desperate hammer blow, now the rescue is near, just one more step and he is free.
We have spoken of Advent itself. That is how it is with the coming of Christ: “Look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Where in your own life or in the world around you is there entrapment and fear? Where are you losing hope?
Enter into prayer now, listening and waiting. Can you hear Jesus calling, “Where are you? Help is on the way!” What do you say in response?
How might the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas bring rescue and release in your situation?
Look up. Raise your head. Hold on. Your redemption is drawing near.
From Perfectionism to Peace this Christmas
a talk given to the Middleburg Bible Study | Karen Wright Marsh | Dec. 5, 2024
A note from Karen: It was a true delight to be with the wonderful women of Middleburg, Virginia, and their Bible study community. I just had to share these words from our time together. May they bring you presence…and peace this Advent!
One week ago today was Thanksgiving….
At this hour last Thursday, we were roasting turkey, mashing potatoes, finishing off the gravy, calling folks to the table -- to give thanks.
Now Christmas is just 20 days away and I’m already getting the question, “Are you ready for Christmas?” Uh, no….There's still a pumpkin on my front step. Students are coming to the Bonhoeffer House tomorrow for our final weekly Theological Horizons lunch and will be arriving to decorate a tree that, if all goes to plan, I will pick up on the way back to Charlottesville today. I hope that I know where to find that box of ornaments.
Here we go – ready or not - headlong into the hap - happiest time of the year.
As I anticipate the 20 Advent days ahead, I’m thinking of four other women – two Marthas and two Marys.
Last weekend I ran into a photo of the first Martha looking flushed and happy – as I sorted through boxes of old books. There she was on the cover of my 1989 edition of Martha Stewart’s Christmas in which she chronicles her own preparations for Christmas, beginning with the mixing of 10 enormous plum puddings the day after Thanksgiving and concluding with a sumptuous Christmas Day dinner. Martha builds wreaths and topiaries, creates cookies, cakes, jellies and jams, paints her own wrapping paper, fills gift baskets with homemade goodies, and makes ornaments to decorate the trees (one in each room of her house, of course). She whips up a croquembouche and then a vat of cassoulet for her annual holiday party, and, after all that, wakes up early on Christmas morning to cook brunch. True to form, Martha has achieved Christmas perfection!
I would never aspire to match the over-the-top-ness of this lifestyle icon Martha Stewart, but part of me does want to try making her gingerbread mansion complete with a gilded roof. Though I know I won’t…Maybe next year I’ll come closer to putting on that perfectly perfect holiday.
In the meantime, sitting on the floor amidst my books, I imagined another woman – a girl, really, and an unexpectedly pregnant one. Mary, just a young teenager.
If you’d asked this Mary, weeks before she was to give birth to Jesus, how she would design her idea of a perfect first ever Christmas - I imagine she would have wished to be safe at home with her mother in Nazareth – or alongside her older cousin Elizabeth, the infant John in her arms: another new mother. Elizabeth, who would comfort her with wise words about the coming labor, and assure Mary that she’d call the midwives when the time came. I am certain that Mary would long to be surrounded by family and friends, people she knew and loved who would welcome Jesus into the family, congratulate Mary on a beautiful son, assure her that Joseph was a good man who would care for them both.
But Mary did not have any kind of perfectly perfect Christmas. No, Mary experienced a very imperfect one.
Forced by the powers of the empire to travel the 90 miles from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem in Judea – with Joseph, while she was uncomfortably, heavily pregnant, vulnerable to the dangers of the road – she and Joseph would find, when they arrived at last, that there was no space to be found in any of the guest rooms in the crowded town. Mary would deliver her first baby far from home, surrounded by animals. I wonder: did they even find a midwife in time? Yet ready or not, Mary gave birth and the writer of Luke tells us that she wrapped her firstborn son snugly and laid him in a manger.
For this Mary there were none of Martha Stewart’s grand meals, no gleaming ornaments,no carols ringing.
Yet imperfect as this scene was, extraordinary things unfolded for the little trio: Mary, Joseph and their baby.Don’t you know that even there in that strange place, Mary’s love and tenderness flooded her heart? Their first guests were not beloved family – but were Judean shepherds rushing in from the night fields, simple peasants who’d been dazzled by angels praising God, declaring peace, joyful news to all and --- rough strangers who came in haste to see this blessed Christ child announced from the sky.
There would be more miracles to come… wise men, a blazing star, a hurried escape from a murderous king… But on that Christmas first night, according to the words of, Luke 2:19, “Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”
Other versions say, “Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself.”
“Mary committed these things to memory and considered them carefully.”
A Perfectly perfect Christmas? No. But so much more.
So how have we come so very far – from these quiet moments with Mary, the young mother cradling her baby, deep in quiet reflection, -- to the frenzy of a holiday season that can all feel like too much?
Over Decades upon decades, centuries upon centuries, We have built up a set of expectations – pictures of what Christmas should be – but never is. Idealized, sanitized Nativity scenes of Mary, Joseph and the baby.Happy, harmonious families in matching outfits, extravagant gifts… pure joy for all.Dickens’ Christmas Carol playing yet again - with its happy ending in which Christmases past present and future all resolve in happy generosity and a full table complete with roast goose.
Look: As much as we love Christmas, this is undeniably a difficult time of year. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), almost half of all women and a third of men report increased stress around the holidays. We find ourselves buying gifts for people we don't know that well, traveling to see people we don't like that much, and just generally doing too many things in too little time—feeling like we need to pack in as much as we can. Family conflicts flare up in fresh ways. Many of us experience an intensification of loneliness, busyness, exhaustion, pressure, disappointments. At the end of the day, I don’t blame Martha Stewart for causing this, I really don’t.
Here is My problem with Martha Stewart: She insists that perfection is desirable – and achievable. And don’t we kind of love the idea of perfectly perfect? I think it’s safe to say for us women, our favorite flaw is perfectionism … we’re just a little bit proud when we say to each other, “oh, I can’t help doing all this, I’m just such a perfectionist.” We feel very different about confessing other negative emotions - struggles like jealousy, hypocrisy, a sense of failure. We Perfectionists just want to be too good – and who can find fault with that?
The drive toward Perfectionism is that much more problematic at Christmas, a time when anxiety and sadness is common. Perfectionism sets us up for more acute feelings of letdown when the Christmas we create doesn’t "measure up" to our imagined ideals. Do you know what I mean? I can’t wrangle my kids into matching outfits for a photo for a holiday card to send to all of my gorgeous friends. My relatives are upset because we can’t make the trip to their place on December 25; coming in on the 27th just isn’t good enough. I feel a little lost for reasons I can’t really explain. It’s tough when my bright, shiny ideas don't match reality, even though I’ve given it my all to do more, look better, meet the highest of high expectations.
Who can relieve me of this belief that these shortcomings are all my fault – that there’s something imperfect about me or about those around me – something lacking that needs to be repaired?
The images and promises of Martha Stewart’s Christmas book feed into my own illusions about what life can and should be – and I daresay those false ideas distract me and draw me away from the life God desires for me: a life of contentment and grace and peace.
Jesus speaks directly to me in my struggle - in his kind, compassionate way. Jesus does this by caring for another Martha, that Martha who, from the Bible studies of my youth, was often called out as a perfectionist.
We meet this second Martha – along with her sister, today’s second Mary – in Luke chapter 10. Here is the story: “While Jesus and his disciples were traveling, Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message. By contrast, Martha was preoccupied with getting everything ready for their meal. So Martha came to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to prepare the table all by myself? Tell her to help me.’”
I’d like to pause right here to say that I feel with Martha. The beloved teacher Jesus has come into town and dropped by with 12 hungry men and suddenly there’s a crowd that needs to be welcomed, refreshed with footwashing, tended to and fed – and soon.
Martha takes her hospitality seriously and I’ll bet she has not had weeks of advance notice to prepare cassoulet or plum puddings. I imagine that she’s just trying desperately to get something presentable onto the table. No wonder she’s irritated to see her sister Mary lounging at Jesus feet, oblivious to her sister’s efforts to meet the needs at hand.
Jesus does not dismiss Martha’s appeal, saying, “Just relax! It’s no big deal!” There’s something more significant in Jesus’ words -something that I’d never really noticed before. Jesus responds to Martha : “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed.” With insight and friendship, Jesus sees Martha’s worry, her distress at many things. I think he intends to ease her mind, to comfort her. “Few things are needed.” He says gently.
In the past I’ve bristled, thinking Jesus was preferring Mary over her sister Martha when he says, “Few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
But can I hear Jesus again, speaking, instead, as a loving invitation to Martha? Few things are needed, Jesus says. I wonder if he went on to say…I’ve travelled far just to be with you, Martha. Let’s not miss this opportunity to truly enjoy one another’s presence. Tonight’s dinner for 15 does not need to meet your highest standards – need not be the best roast lamb, the finest wines, the freshest bread. I know you’re a great cook. If only you will release your idea of a perfectly perfect festive dinner, Martha, I assure you that a simple meal of a few plain dishes will suffice. What could be better than having some time to be together with me – alongside your sister, Mary? I hear Jesus say, I want nothing more than to be present with you, Martha. Jesus loved his friend, Martha; he wisely saw the heart she put into her labors.
I imagine Jesus has compassion for Martha Stewart, too, who, now 83 years old, has suffered a divorce, public envy and criticism, and time in prison, but who has never slowed in her unrelenting drive for success – striving for the perfect perfection of a life that will never be fully achieved.
You and I each embody some of these two Martha, don’t we? Martha Stewart and Martha, the sister of Mary. We are the Marthas who want to see dreams come true, who desire to make the season special for everyone…who want to show how competent we are, how together we are…who are determined to make it all look effortless. Who want to be loved.
Christmas is 20 days away. Are you worried and upset about many things? Are you burdened by unrealistic expectations of yourself and others? Do visions of perfect perfection accentuate the pain of fraught relationships, the griefs of Christmases past, the economic or physical or emotional limits of what you can deliver this December, a month already laden with stress? Let’s be gentle with the Marthas within us, the Marthas of quietly broken hearts. Jesus certainly would be.
How might we live into Jesus’s reassurance that “few things are needed”? How do we take some time each day to sit, as Martha surely longed to do, at the feet of Jesus - to just rest and enjoy him? How can we take on more of the Mary who, when Jesus came for dinner, chose what is better than a finely executed event: who chose presence over perfection?
How do you and I choose, this December, presence with God? With one another? With ourselves?
How can we experience, alongside the other Mary, the mother of Jesus, the awe and wonder of that first Christmas. Might we accompany this young mother Mary and, with her, treasure up all these things, pondering them in our hearts?
To help us experience more of the Mary in each of us I’ve created several imaginative exercises, some gentle invitations– to take with us into the coming days and I will share them with you in a moment.
But first I’d like to say this: I believe that the antidote to perfectionism is found, first of all, in an attitude of awe and wonder. Instead of determinedly chasing after a vision of what we think must be or should be - if only we try hard enough – pause…and take on an attitude of curiosity about what is and what is to come. Let’s lay aside the demands we’ve made and try on a new posture: to begin to see, with fresh, curious eyes, the astounding, miraculous truth of Christmas. Can we meet this birth of Jesus as if for the first time - as if we’ve never experience it before?
Poetry helps me see old things in new ways. The 17th century poet Richard Crashaw returns me to an attitude of awe and wonder. In “the Holy Nativity of our Lord,” Crashaw writes:
…Poor World, said I, what wilt thou do
To entertain this starry stranger?
Is this the best thou canst bestow,
A cold, and not too cleanly, manger?
Contend, ye powers of heav’n and earth,
To fit a bed for this huge birth.
Welcome, all wonders in one sight!
Eternity shut in a span;
Summer in winter; day in night;
Heaven in earth, and God in man.
Great little one,
whose all-embracing birth
Lifts earth to heaven,
stoops heav’n to earth….
To thee, meek Majesty! soft King
Of simple graces and sweet loves,
Each of us his lamb will bring,
Each his pair of silver doves;
Till burnt at last in fire of thy fair eyes,
Ourselves become our own best sacrifice.
We best welcome this soft King Jesus – the great little one – not with what we create, produce, accomplish, or pull off, but with our very selves. Not even the greatest powers of heaven and earth could rightly entertain this starry stranger. Let you and let me offer our humble presence, which is really all we have to give, and all that Jesus desires, in the end.
As we take time to pause to be present with God, maybe we put ourselves into the Nativity story - and imagine bringing something that would bring a smile to the face of a baby of simple graces and sweet loves: like a lamb or a silver dove.
With Mary, let us come to the manger quietly, in deep reverence, holding deep within ourselves the extraordinary wonder of heaven contained in earth, God in an infant, a soft King.
May we, like Jesus’ friend Mary, let go of perfectionism to choose presence - which is the better part. May we commit to remembering the acts of our loving God and consider them carefully.
When we leave this precious time of fellowship today, I have no doubt that our to-do lists will spark up new Martha energies. I, for one, have got to find an adequate Christmas tree by the end of this afternoon. But, in fact, dear Marthas, few things are needed.
The imaginative, spiritual exercises I’ve created are easy, accessible invitations to presence - to God, to yourself, to others… They only take a few minutes. I hope you savor the opportunity to create a beautiful space for prayer and reflection, to take time looking deeply at artistic images of the Nativity, to let Christmas music enter your soul, to go back into the old family Christmas photos, to ponder your own deepest hopes and desires…
It’s my prayer that over the Advent days to come you and I will, like our two Marys, draw near, again and again, to the presence of God who was born a baby to love us, save us, to be with us here, through all of our earthly lives.
Karen Marsh (right) with Jennifer Andrews. one of the terrific leaders of the Middleburg Bible Study!
Karen Wright Marsh is an author of Wake Up To Wonder and Vintage Saints and Sinners. She is a speaker and the executive director and cofounder of Theological Horizons, a ministry centered at the University of Virginia that supports believers & seekers by providing a welcoming community for engaging faith, thought & life. She is the host of the Vintage Saints and Sinners podcast. Karen lives with Charles Marsh, a UVA professor, at the Bonhoeffer House in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Learn more at and
2nd Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer
“These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” I Corinthians 2:10
“This…is the unrecognized mystery of this world: Jesus Christ. That this Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter, was himself the Lord of Glory: that was the mystery of God. It was a mystery because God became poor, low, lowly, and weak out of love for humankind, because God became a human being like us,...because he came to us so that we would come to him. God as the one who became low for our sakes, God in Jesus of Nazareth-–that is the secret, hidden wisdom…that “no eye has seen nor ear heard nor human heart conceived.” (I Cor. 2:9)”
God reverses our assumptions and confounds our reasonable minds. God, who is utterly free, does wonders where we least expect them; God redeems where we despair. God takes what is little, broken and humble and makes it marvelous. Unashamed of our lowliness, God marches right in, comes close, and chooses us. During Advent, may we stand in awe of the “unrecognized mystery of this world: Jesus Christ.”
What is one prevailing human assumption that God turns upside down in the Christmas story?
Where are you - or someone you love – feeling lost, neglected, weak, broken?
Might you enter into prayer now? What do you long to say to Jesus Christ, God-with-you, the great Mystery?
December Prayers: A Work of Attention
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
Dear Friends,
Even as holiday festivities pick up, December offers us opportunities to pause and reflect on all that we hold dear and all that we long for. The beautifully-filmed video above was created by Micah Lindstrom of Morgan Horse Studios and invites the viewer into a brief meditation of my practice as an artist, as someone who tries to attend to the beauty around me and tell about it. In that same spirit, and as we enter into Advent, enjoy the poem and music below, remembering the devoted attention that Mary gave to the Incarnate Divine Love in her arms.
grace & peace,
My work is loving the world.
Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird—
equal seekers of sweetness.
Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.
Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.
Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
Am I no longer young, and still half-perfect? Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be
The phoebe, the delphinium.
The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.
Which is mostly rejoicing, since all the ingredients are here,
which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart
and these body-clothes,
a mouth with which to give shouts of joy
to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,
telling them all, over and over, how it is
that we live forever.
By Mary Oliver
Liturgies and Libations | Maddie Mislock ‘25
I never used to consider myself a morning person, especially in high school when waking up meant sore muscles begging me to stay in bed just a little longer and groggy conversations in the kitchen while I cradled my coffee. Mornings were not something I looked forward to. Perhaps they still aren’t. I need my half hour to lie in bed, my hour before I’m able to string sentences together, my morning to myself (whenever possible).
Yet I savor the act of cooking a hearty and nourishing breakfast. I relish sitting on the porch with my Bible open and a small candle flickering beside me. My favorite time to be in my house is when it’s quiet, which is usually in the mornings. The rituals between waking and starting the day’s work that were once a bother are now a buoy.
My routine hasn’t changed all that much over the years—breakfast, Bible, brushing my teeth. There has been one major shift: I no longer consume caffeine (a fact I sometimes wonder at, as someone who used to consume pitchers of coffee daily—yes, pitchers). One might think that removing a source of joy and comfort would be detrimental. However, cutting coffee was a first step on my healing journey.
Not only was my extreme dependence on caffeine replacing my dependence on the Lord, but it was wreaking havoc on my body. What seemed an insignificant “one more serving” was actually an insatiable thirst for pleasure.
Though I don’t constantly think about coffee anymore, there are other things that can try to take its place. I’m definitely a beverage person and looking forward to a kombucha or tea can help get me through a hard day. The times I savor a beverage are the times I take a pause—or close—to my work. It’s not just the drink, it’s the ritual.
It may seem a simple thing, because it is. It’s one glass. It’s one moment to slow down and breathe, to taste and see that the Lord is good. Sipping on a beverage is when calm seems instinctual. But these should not be the only moments in a day that I slow down. A fun drink is surely not meant to be my ultimate source of joy.
My rhythms of work, play, and sleep can quickly become askew. Even though my routines around starting (and closing) the day help ground how I allot my time and bring some disorder into order, structure and consistency are not meant to be perfectly attainable or satisfying.
Peace can permeate my days, if I invite it to. But it is not through what I drink or how much time I spend in bed. How we live shapes what we love, but the opposite is true too. There is a prayer I return to often, a lifeline of sorts, that offers this encouragement: [The Lord’s] rest is not only meant to be lived and loved in leisure, but in the midst of labor too.
Psalm 34:8 (ESV).
Cole Jones, Holy Grounds, CoJo Studio, 2022.
1st Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer
For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him.
Trust in God at all times, O people. Pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:5-8
“Be brave for my sake, dearest Maria, even if this letter is your only token of love from me this Christmas-tide. We shall both experience a few dark hours…and be assailed by the question of why, over and above the darkness already enshrouding humanity, we should be subjected to the bitter anguish of separation whose purpose we fail to understand…
And then, just when everything is bearing down on us to such an extent that we can scarcely withstand it, the Christmas message comes to tell us that all our ideas are wrong…Our eyes are at fault, that is all. God is in the manger, wealth in poverty, light in darkness, succor in abandonment. No evil can befall us. Whatever people may do to us, they cannot but serve the God who is secretly revealed as Love and rules the world and rules our lives.”
Advent is a season of waiting: an art forgotten by our impatient age. In tender letters to his loved ones, Dietrich Bonhoeffer struggles honestly with life’s deepest questions, forced to wait in a Nazi prison for a release that will never come. Through the eyes of faith, he comes to perceive the cosmic reversal that Christmas brings. God is in the manger. There is wealth in poverty, light in darkness. God, who is Love, rules the world and rules our lives. May we, with Bonhoeffer, declare with hope that in Christ “no evil can befall us.”
What hard questions are you asking right now?
What practice might help you to “wait in silence” for God through these 24 days of Advent?
What is the Christmas message that you most long to hear and believe?
Thanksgiving with Theological Horizons 2024
a collection of Scripture, poetry & prayers
“O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come into God’s presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to God with songs of praise!
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:1-3
O Lord, that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Do not let the empty cup be your first teacher of the blessings you had when it was full…
Seek, as a plain duty, to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God
in your daily life. Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910)
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7
For the infinite variety of your creative expression, we praise you, O God.
You have made even the necessary act of eating a nurturing comfort and a perpetual delight.
Douglas Kaine McKelvey (contemporary)
"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, God’s love endures forever." Psalm 118:29
Thou that hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, a grateful heart….
Not thankful, when it pleaseth me;
As if thy blessings had spare days:
But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise.
George Herbert (1593-1633)
"I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1
One of the oldest anthems of the church is ‘Alleluia’. It means simply ‘All hail to the One who is.’ It is the arch-hymn of praise, the ultimate expression of thanksgiving, the pinnacle of triumph, the acme of human joy. Alleluia says ‘God is good — and we know it.’ Life itself is an exercise in learning to sing ‘alleluia’ here in order to recognize the face of God hidden in the recesses of time. ‘Alleluia’ in life means dealing with moments that don’t feel like ‘alleluia moments’ at all. Alleluia is not a substitute for reality. It is simply the awareness of another whole kind of reality—beyond the immediate, beyond the delusional, beyond the instant perception of things. In the Hebrew Scriptures, ‘Alleluia’ is an injunction to praise, a call to the people to summon up praise in themselves. It is a challenge to see in life more than is seeable in any single moment…and to trust the One who is. Adapted from Joan Chittister & Rowan Williams (contemporary)
"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful." Colossians 3:15
To gather joyfully is indeed a serious affair,
for feasting & all enjoyments gratefully taken are, at their heart, acts of resistance.
In celebrating this feast we declare that evil & death, suffering & loss, sorrow & tears, will not have the final word.
But the joy of fellowship, and the welcome & comfort of friends new & old,
& the celebration of these blessings of food & drink & conversation & laughter are the true evidence
of things eternal, and are the first fruits of that great glad joy that is to come and that will be unending.
So let our feast this day be joined to those whose sure victories are secured by Christ,
Let it be to us now a delight, and a glad foretaste of his eternal kingdom.
Bless us, O Lord, in this feast.
Bless us, O Lord, as we linger over our cups, and over this table laden with good things,
As we relish the delights of varied texture and flavor, of aromas and savory spices,
of dishes prepared as acts of love and blessing, of sweet delights made sweeter by the communion of saints.
May this shared meal and our pleasures in it stir our imaginations,
focus our vision on the kingdom of heaven that is to come,
on the kingdom that is promised, on the kingdom that is already, indeed among us.
The resurrection of all good things has already joyfully begun.
May this feast be an echo of that great Supper of the Lamb, the great celebration that awaits the children of God.
Where two or more of us are gathered, O Lord, there you have promised to be. And here we are. And so, here are You. Take joy, O King, in this, our feast.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, take seat, take feast, take delight! Amen.
(from Every Moment Holy by Douglas Kaine McKelvey)
As you gather this Thanksgiving, please pray for Theological Horizons – as we support believers and seekers by providing a welcoming community for engaging faith, thought and life.
We are grateful for YOU!