Are you thirsty? Lent 3

O Lord, all my longing is known to you; my sighing is not hidden from you...O God, you are my God.  I seek you.  My soul thirsts for you.  {Psalm 38}

The one who relies on mere human strength is like a stunted shrub in the desert, living in the barren, salt-encrusted wilderness with no hope for the future.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose hope and confidence is in the Lord.  That person is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water--a tree that is not bothered by the heat, not worried by long months of drought, whose leaves stay green.  A tree that goes right on producing luscious fruit.  {Jeremiah 7}

LORD, I know not what to ask of You.
You alone know what my true needs are.
You love me more than I myself know how to love.
Help me to see my real needs, which may be hidden from me.
I dare not ask for either a cross or consolation.
I can only wait upon You; my heart is open to You.
Visit and help me in Your steadfast love.
Strike me & heal me; cast me down & raise me up.
I worship in silence Your holy will.
I offer myself to You as a living sacrifice.
I put all my trust in You.
I have no other desire than to fulfill Your will.
Teach me to pray.  Pray Yourself in me.  {Metropolitan of Philaret of Moscow}

Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who thirst."  Come and drink deep of the living water; let Christ fill your heart and heal your wounds.


Faith, justice and coding. Reflections by Sarah Bland '19


Lent 2: lessons of the desert