Lent 1: BREAD

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish.  But what are they among so many people?” John 6:9

A large, hungry crowd, twelve nervous disciples, one boy, five cheap loaves of bread, two fish of unknown size, and Jesus. The figures do not add up when compared to the power and compassion of the Messiah. Why is it so hard for us to trust in God’s ability to provide even in the face of inexplicable odds?

Jesus can do more than we hope or imagine with the small resources we willingly give to him in faith. That’s the lesson we need to be taught over and over.

Jesus does not ask of us what we do not have. Instead, he receives what we offer, takes, blesses, uses and multiplies our five loaves of less-than-gourmet bread, the two fish we caught after hours of fishing, our ability to pray, our adeptness with numbers, our knack for sewing, our passion for words, our joy in writing notes to people.

All we need to do is be like the boy, to bravely step forward in the middle of intimidating circumstances and offer to Jesus whatever we have on any given day. Jesus takes it from there….

Questions for reflection:

  • Do you find it hard to believe that God can and will provide? Why or why not?

  • When have you experienced a “loaves-and-fishes” miracle? What happened?

  • What are your five barley loaves and two fish? What gifts are you called to offer to Jesus right now?

Lord, forgive us for how easily we forget that you have the power to do more than we can ever hope or imagine with whatever gifts we freely give to you. Help us to boldly step forward in times of need and offer ourselves for your service. Take, bless and use our barley bread, our fish, our desire to serve in ways that bring relief to those who are suffering. May we too look upon the crowd with compassion.

Thank you for journeying through Lent with us…

Receive our Lenten devotionals by emailing info@theologicalhorizons.org.

Thanks to Jill J. Duffield for allowing us to adapt from her book, Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion Through Ten Objects. Read the book and join us for a virtual book club discussion at 4pm on Saturday, April 3.


Lent 2 | CROSS


Ash Wednesday | DUST