“But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body.” Luke 24:1-2

I believe transformation is possible. The women going that third day to Jesus’ tomb expected to find a stone blocking their way to the body of their beloved teacher. Instead, they found an open entrance. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James brought spices and oil to anoint a dead man. Instead, two angels appeared, and the body of Jesus was nowhere to be seen.

Often our anticipation of death, defeat, and endings gives way to God’s plan for life, resurrection, and new beginnings. I believe transformation because I follow the One who was raised from the dead and now sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

When others see insurmountable barriers, boulders impossible to move, people of faith see the possibility of God’s glory revealed in life-giving ways. That’s why we go to the grave singing, “Alleluia.”

All of us encounter seemingly immovable stones. We face loss or illness, disappointment or depression, oppression or exploitation, grief or separation. Circumstances unimaginable become all too real and we feel the pain of slamming into a boulder that refuses to budge. If we remember Jesus’ resurrection, and all he taught and lived, angels whisper, “Jesus is risen. Transformation happens. Death does not have the final word.”

All of us struggle with the unanswered question of “why?” Yet, knowing that the stone has been moved and Jesus lives reminds me that transformation is possible and that resurrection, even when all I see is the empty tomb, is surely coming. Alleluia!

Questions for Reflection

  • When have you faced what felt like insurmountable obstacles? What happened?

  • When have you experienced transformation? What changed and how?

  • How do you maintain hope in circumstances that leave you bereft and afraid?

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Morning has broken on the dawn of redemption. Reconciliation has been won. Death has been defeated. Surely nothing is impossible with God. The stone once blocking access to our Lord has been removed, forever. No longer can anything separate us from the love of the triune God. Transformation not only is possible; through Christ’s resurrection, transformation is inevitable. Rejoice, give thanks and sing! Jesus Christ is risen today! Amen.

Thank you you for journeying all the way to Easter with us. And thanks to Jill J. Duffield for allowing us to adapt from her book, Lent in Plain Sight: A Devotion Through Ten Objects.


Lydia's Deeper Dialogue Experience


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