Summer Pause with TH - June Edition

Dear friends.

From the beginning, our lives were created out of a rhythm - there was day, and there was night, and then the Sabbath; creation, work, rest. Now we invite you into a pause with us as we enter the summer months. Enjoy these 3 monthly installments of some favorite sensory gifts - poetry, film, music, books, art, theological enrichment.

Karen & Christy

Pray the Scriptures with Jodie Berndt 

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With his love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”  (Zephaniah 3:17)  May I always be full of the joy of the Lord.  I say it again: rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

Learn more about our friend Jodie’s new book, Praying the Scriptures for your Life.



A Poem by John Clare

God looks on nature with a glorious eye

and blesses all creation with the sun

Its drapery of green & brown earth ocean lie

In morning as Creation just begun

That saffron east fortells the rising sun

And who can look upon that majesty

Of light brightness & splendour nor feel won

With love of him whose bright all seeing eye

Feeds the days light with Immortality


Blessing for a Gentle Summer

By Kate Bowler (our Scoper Lecturer, April 3, 2022)

Blessed are we,
coming into this summer
of in-between.

We are glad to shelter here awhile.
where there can be some recovery
from all that our eyes have seen
and our hearts have borne.

We are wondering…
what just happened?

The tragedy on slow-release,
the shock of sudden outrage,
the variants of unusual size,
the sweet sense that normal
maybe isn’t obsolete.

We are wondering….
what could happen?

We are at a threshold,
a season that holds
liminal space for what was,
and what might be.

God, gather us close,
and in this small and cradled space
may we let the whole weight
of our very selves rest secure.

Be the peace that settles our bodies,
that we might awaken each day,
curious as to what new thing
You are doing,
what beauty might yet be.

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Dive Deep With SeminaryNow

Karen Marsh has joined the advisory board of SeminaryNow, a new online streaming service with video courses from leading professors and authors like Scot McKnight on “Jesus and the Gospels”; Esau McCaulley on “Reading While Black”; and Sandra Richter on “Scripture and the Environment.” Visit for a free preview of any course. Save 40% off annual unlimited access with discount code

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Movie Night
“My Octopus Teacher”

A South African filmmaker learns lessons on the fragility of life, our connection with nature, the preciousness our human bonds—all from an octopus.  For all ages. On Netflix.

Summer Reading with Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

A Sojourner's Truth: Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World  (IVP, 2018)

Natasha Sistrunk Robinson’s compelling story sets us on a liberative path towards personal change, dependency on God, and faithful action. Save Nov. 4 & 5, 2021, for  Natasha’s talks in Charlottesville!


“Five Points”
by Irene Mathieu

Irene Mathieu is a poet and a UVA pediatrician.  Explore her work here.


Fresh Air Prayer | Reflection by Fellow Caroline Kirk '21


Summer Prayers