Summer Pause - August Edition

The Pond - A poem by Mary Oliver

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August of another summer, and once again
I am drinking the sun
and the lilies again are spread across the water.
I know now what they want is to touch each other.
I have not been here for many years
during which time I kept living my life.
Like the heron, who can only croak, who wishes he
could sing,
I wish I could sing.
A little thanks from every throat would be appropriate.
This is how it has been, and this is how it is:
All my life I have been able to feel happiness,
except whatever was not happiness,
which I also remember.
Each of us wears a shadow.
But just now it is summer again
and I am watching the lilies bow to each other,
then slide on the wind and the tug of desire,
close, close to one another,
Soon now, I’ll turn and start for home.
And who knows, maybe I’ll be singing.

Cole Arthur Riley | Black Liturgies

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“God who rests,

It is difficult for us to imagine a Christ who, having all power and capacity to heal others, still at times walked away. Who napped unapologetically in the face of danger. Give us the courage to rest. The holy audacity to do absolutely nothing at all. And, as we do, allow us to hold vigil for the tombs of this world while honoring that we are neither savior nor slave. Grant us a slowness that allows us to feel what hurts and what makes healing possible. Let our rest be our liberation.”

Read more Black liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley.

KATE BOWLER PODCAST | Everything Happens

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At age 35 enjoying her dream job and new son, Kate was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. As she's battled and written through her diagnosis, she has also gathered a community of fellow sufferers who reveal insights about life's unexplainable heartaches.  Kate Bowler will be our Scoper Lecturer April '22! Listen to her podcast HERE.

golden rod glory, 36 x 24 in., oil on canvas

golden rod glory, 36 x 24 in., oil on canvas

ARTIST CHRISTEN YATES | golden rod glory

“The golden rod are beginning to bloom here in Virginia spreading their gentle golden glow over our increasing back to school anxieties. My current show up at the new Dairy Market gallery here are quiet meditations on the natural world.” All work available for purchase. View here.

Watch the beautiful new music video by friends Daniel and Lauren Goans of Lowland Hum.


DR. CURT THOMPSON Beauty, Desire & Human Flourishing

Psychiatrist Curt Thompson examines the neuroscience of longing, beauty and community asking, “What is the role of beauty in our context of sky-high anxiety levels - and for the greater rhythms of our lives?”

This webinar was hosted in partnership with our friends at Coracle on July 29th.

Watch or listen HERE.

An INVITATION | Welcome New Students

We are still welcoming new students into our community! Send us any names and contact information and we'll be sure to lavish them with love.


September Prayers | For peace


August Prayers | For the Church