2nd Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer
“These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” I Corinthians 2:10
“This…is the unrecognized mystery of this world: Jesus Christ. That this Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter, was himself the Lord of Glory: that was the mystery of God. It was a mystery because God became poor, low, lowly, and weak out of love for humankind, because God became a human being like us,...because he came to us so that we would come to him. God as the one who became low for our sakes, God in Jesus of Nazareth-–that is the secret, hidden wisdom…that “no eye has seen nor ear heard nor human heart conceived.” (I Cor. 2:9)”
God reverses our assumptions and confounds our reasonable minds. God, who is utterly free, does wonders where we least expect them; God redeems where we despair. God takes what is little, broken and humble and makes it marvelous. Unashamed of our lowliness, God marches right in, comes close, and chooses us. During Advent, may we stand in awe of the “unrecognized mystery of this world: Jesus Christ.”
What is one prevailing human assumption that God turns upside down in the Christmas story?
Where are you - or someone you love – feeling lost, neglected, weak, broken?
Might you enter into prayer now? What do you long to say to Jesus Christ, God-with-you, the great Mystery?