3rd Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer

“Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28


In a 1933 Advent sermon, Dietrich Bonhoeffer vividly describes a mine disaster that was currently in the news. Can you imagine yourself inside this story?

The moment even the most courageous miner has dreaded his whole life is here.  It’s no use running into walls; the silence all around him remains…The way out for him is blocked.  He knows the people up there are working feverishly to reach the miners who are buried alive….An agonizing period of waiting and dying is all that remains.

But suddenly a noise that sounds like tapping and breaking in the rock can be heard.  Unexpectedly, voices cry out, “Where are you? Help is on the way!”  Then the disheartened miner picks himself up, his heart leaps, he shouts, “Here I am, come on through and help me!  I’ll hold out until you come!  Just come soon!”  A final desperate hammer blow, now the rescue is near, just one more step and he is free.

We have spoken of Advent itself.  That is how it is with the coming of Christ: “Look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

  • Where in your own life or in the world around you is there entrapment and fear? Where are you losing hope?

  • Enter into prayer now, listening and waiting. Can you hear Jesus calling, “Where are you? Help is on the way!” What do you say in response?

  • How might the coming of Jesus Christ at Christmas bring rescue and release in your situation?

  • Look up. Raise your head. Hold on. Your redemption is drawing near. 


4th Sunday in Advent with Bonhoeffer


From Perfectionism to Peace this Christmas