Meet our new Leadership Associate!

Hi! I’m Fiona Balfe, and I am delighted to be serving as the Leadership Associate for the 2024-25 school year. In May, I graduated from Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL (a suburb of the dazzling city of Chicago) with a double major in Biblical & Theological Studies and Environmental Science and a minor in German. I loved learning alongside other Christians from a wide range of places, experiences, and theologies, and my years there ignited a passion for learning and intellectual life as a path to glorifying God. At Wheaton, my studies with brilliant professors and peers opened my eyes to how learning deepens our understanding of and wonder towards the intricacies of God’s creation and the creativity and complexity of the human communities within it. 

Outside of class, I loved singing in Women’s Chorale and growing in my experience with the riches of choral music, both sacred and secular, from all different time periods. The proximity to Chicago also allowed me and my friends to attend some astonishing live shows, such as the national tours of the Broadway musicals Anastasia and Les Mis. I love music, especially choral and musical theater, and am always down for a conversation about those topics, perhaps even including breaking out into song!

As I completed my time at Wheaton, Theological Horizons offered an incredible next step with its value on the integration of faith and learning to the glory of God. Theological Horizons’ emphasis on the wisdom found in the breadth of the Christian tradition, faith integrated with all of life, and thoughtful dialogue about profound topics sparked my interest as soon as I learned about this community. Working here is an honor and a joy, as I engage with both the everyday details and overarching concepts in my work and witness how they work together to sustain all the work that we do here. I especially love the opportunity to apply my spreadsheet knowledge from my Environmental Science degree to some of my organizational responsibilities! :)

As I look to the future, I aspire to continue exploring and encouraging others in seeking and serving God through intellectual life and the practices and embodiment that flow from it. Towards that goal, I will be pursuing my M.Div. at Duke Divinity School starting next fall! I hope to both work towards ordination, probably in the Anglican church, and prepare to apply for a Ph.D. in theology. Some of my research interests (AKA topics I love to chat about) include theologies of creation care/ environmental stewardship, the Protestant Reformation, embodiment and faith, and public/political theology. This year, I am excited for the ways the Lord will continue to guide and form me through this community and certainly anticipate many riveting conversations. I praise God for the blessing of working with the lovely people at Theological Horizons and look forward to meeting more of you soon!