A Goodbye from Assistant Director Saranell Hartman
In the Fall of 2010 I began working at Theological Horizons in the Bonhoeffer House. I had already become familiar with the mission & vision from attending Vintage on Fridays during the 2009-10 Academic Year. It whet my appetite for the rich ministry of hospitality that takes place here. Even as an employee, I have been nurtured by the grace that defines this place. I am so thankful to the Breakfast Bible Study for becoming a space in which our exploration of Scripture led me (as well) into deeper understanding and experience of God. I trust Jesus more today because of you. I live more intentionally in the way of Jesus because of you too. We confronted our doubts and fears, and together held them up to the Light of Jesus Christ. Theological Horizons is a ministry that is rooted in Jesus, open to the work of the Spirit and participating in the work of God in the world.
I agree with Don Postema who describes what it means to live a life in the way of Jesus in Space for God,
The world doesn’t need more busy people, maybe not even more intelligent people. It needs “deep people,” people who know that they need solitude if they are going to find out who they are…The world needs people who want their lives not only to be filled, but to be full, and fulfilled. If we are to be artists of our lives, we need to be in touch with the One who is a “greater artist than all other artists…” The world needs people who will allow time for God to recreate them, play with them, touch them as an Artist who is making something beautiful with their lives. (18)
I am grateful to the Theological Horizons staff, board, students and community for their roles in helping me become a deeper person.
I am grateful to Karen Marsh, Executive Director. She is the most gracious ‘boss’ one could ever have- she has flexed with child care needs and has made space for the unique expression of my gifts. She knows how to get the job done and never asked me to do more than I could. Theological Horizons is growing deeper and wider under her wise and gracious leadership.
I have loved being a part of the team and will miss it greatly!