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Night Prayer in the UVa Chapel - Aug 19

Our last summer Sunday evening prayer is this Sunday at 8 pm!  Chris Campanelli will be bringing music as Saranell Hartman leads us in prayer and Scripture.  Come as you are - if you've been moving into your student apartment, just driving back from vacation or enjoying one of the last days of summer.  Hope to see you in the University of Virginia Chapel.  (And Morning Prayer begins again on September 10 - every Monday/Tuesday/Thursday morning at 8:15)

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Hoo’s New at UVa? Move In Day Cookie Delivery

It’s  tough to be the new kid at school, especially when your parents have just driven off in their minivan and left you alone in the enormous new world of college.  (We know, you can hardly wait!) But before you make a thousand new friends, scale new intellectual heights and check out every cool activity that UVa has to offer, YOU NEED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES.

That’s where we come in.  There is a team of current Horizons Hoos ready to come by your dorm room on Move In Day with homemade cookies and a WARM WELCOME—along with directions to the Bonhoeffer House, your most promising source of free lunches and fellowship for the next four years.  Our big Welcome Lunch is on Friday, August 31, by the way, so save that date.

If you are an incoming student—or know of a new student—send us a quick email right now (to info@theologicalhorizons.org) and give us NAME, DORM and ROOM NUMBER…and we’ll deliver those cookies (and enough for your roommate) on Saturday, August 25.  We cannot wait to meet you!

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Welcome to the new Theological Horizons website!

How have we been spending our summer, you ask?  Redesigning the website!  We hope that this will be the place you turn to for Christian scholarship—with lots of archived lectures, readings and resources—and a home for Christian community—with a current calendar of events, newsy blog and ways to get personal invitations to all that we do.  (Click on the “ TH Members” flag to join for free and you won’t miss anything!) The new site was made possible by a special gift form Cantey and David Deeter and Anne and Chad Zimmerman in honor of Myra and Bob Marsh, in celebration of Bob’s 80th birthday.  Bob is an emeritus board member and Myra and Bob are longtime partners in ministry.  Happy birthday and many blessings, Bob!

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