Thanks to Vintage Lunch Sponsors, Mark & Terry Metcalf!

This fall, we’re asking our community to consider sponsoring a Vintage Lunch. Each lunch is catered by a local Charlottesville eatery and helps feed 20-30 students who come hungry for food and community and spiritual nourishment.

Mark Metcalf is a UVa professor in the school of Commerce and he and his wife Terry are sponsoring a Vintage Lunch this September. Learn more about their partnership with us below:

Why did you choose to sponsor a Vintage lunch? How are you connected with Theological Horizons?

Like many other churches in C'ville, our congregation - Christ Episcopal - has an active UVA student ministry. But Terry & I also realize that campus ministries like Theological Horizons provide unique opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. So we're happy to help support organizations like Theological Horizons as we are able. And since food and fellowship are perfect partners, when told about the opportunity to sponsor a Vintage Lunch, we didn't give it a second thought!

What blessing, quote, or advice would you like to share with a UVa student?

"Be a student, not a disciple.". Anna Shields, my MA advisor.