Horizons Fellows Retreat | Taking off our Masks

Our new cohort of Horizons Fellows had a beautiful 24 hrs at our friends’ - the Mastersons- lovely 40 acre farm just outside of Charlottesville. After a warm welcome, I gathered the Fellows for a delicious dinner (thanks, Milan Indian!) where we unpacked our summer reading book A Sacred Voice is Calling: Personal Calling and Social Conscience by John Neafsey. I’ve read quite a number of books on vocation and calling and this one has risen to the top due to its ecumenical appeal as well as its connection of calling to include concepts such as suffering & service.

After dinner, we resettled by the fire pit for s’mores and the beginning of sharing personal faith journeys. This comprised the rest of our time together as we carefully listened and held one another’s stories. There was a lot of pain and hurt but also resilience and hope. At TH, we believe the sharing of stories is a deeply sacred act and one of the most powerful ways to connect with one another. The foundation of trust and intimacy laid during our annual retreat is one that lasts for the rest of our year together.

I was so grateful 11 out of our 12 could be present and I’m just sad I forgot to get a group photo! Enjoy these images of our gorgeous spot and a river plunge after lunch.