Memories: Sunset with the Saints in NYC

Amidst the reflective and reorienting season of late summer, friends of Theological Horizons gathered in New York City to pause and ponder the glory of God under the glowing sunset and Manhattan skyline. As many prepared for the new beginnings that fall brings, this time offered a space to remember and celebrate the Lord’s many gifts, especially community and creation.

While we gathered at the peak of golden hour, Karen shared Howard Thurman’s stirring reflections on how He experienced the Lord’s beauty in the rising and setting of the sun. Even as the colors faded from the sky, the bright lights of the city’s skyscrapers contrasted with the stillness of Central Park. Evoking images of Central Park during the daylight, Karen then educated us about a word coined by medieval saint Hildegard von Bingen: viriditas. This word refers to the green of plants and trees as the color of God’s love. We relished this beautiful description of our Creator’s gift to us in the lush plant life that fills the earth, while we also enjoyed the fruits of that creation in refreshing herbs, figs, nuts, and more.

Karen concluded by sharing Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s gratitude for the Lord’s steadfastness in even the apparently mundane rhythms of one day ending and the next beginning. Bonhoeffer’s words offer a poignant reminder that God’s glory manifests not only in the memorable moments but also in the regular rhythms of our lives. 

This verse weaves together many of the themes from that lovely evening: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8 NIV). As we establish and engage in our rhythms for fall, let the awareness of God’s grace and beauty that surrounds us in every season encourage you in the everyday.

Please also enjoy these photos! I hope that they give you a glimpse into the enchanting evening that I (Fiona Balfe, Leadership Associate), Karen, and many other cherished friends shared.